Wickedness never was happiness. Humans seem to fail to get that concept right
and are continually testing that premise and hurting themselves and
others. That we will all answer to God
for our lives, is something that everyone should consider. What if God is there and watching everything
we do and we’re going to have to answer for our actions? Would we still live
the same life if God was watching it?
Whether God is real or God isn’t real is not the true question. The true question is how did you live your
life? Did you live your life helping other’s or hurting others?
When people know how they should be living their lives and
choose otherwise, they are actually going against themselves. There is a scripture that says, “I am bound
when ye do what I say but when ye do not what I say ye have know promise. When
Commandments are broken the result is often very damaging to the self and
others. On the other hand when we live
God’s laws, it’s funny how much happier and better off our lives seem to go.
God gave us commandments and laws for our own well being and
to help us have a happy life. If we
follow the commandments the result is a much happier life. Breaking God’s laws
hurts ourselves and hurts others. He gave those laws to us because he loved us
and wanted to show us the way to be happy and healthy.
Human nature is often like the Wiley Coyote in the
Road-runner cartoons. Humans always get
caught in their own traps and fail to learn the lesson and keep making the same
mistake again and again. Wise and soul
searching people learn the lesson.
When people betray other’s through pretending to be
something they are not, it will come around to bite them. When people know better and then turn away
from what God has taught them, they are in a worse position than those that
never knew the laws. The consequences
for betraying God and our fellowman are unhappiness, loneliness, and a lot of
heartache. God’s laws don’t reward bad choices.
God’s laws reward good choices. Whoever decides to break God’s laws creates their
own heartache because they chose their own heartache by doing something they
knew would be harmful to themselves and others and did it anyway. It is just the natural law of cause and
So many people think that they are the exception to God’s
laws. Guess What? You’re not.
No one escapes the results of breaking God’s laws. One way or another, people will have to pay
for their actions. That is why choosing right actions is the smart way to go. If you choose the right thing in the first
place you can prevent a lot of sadness and heartache.
One nice thing about God as I have learned about Him is that
He forgives people. He believes in mercy
and love not an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Justice as in an eye for an eye and tooth for
a tooth only keeps the negative karma going.
All God hopes for us is that we will leave sin behind and turn to
him. He has said, “I cannot look upon
sin in the least degree of allowance.” I think he is saying to us. I can’t look at you hurting yourself or
another with the least degree of allowance because I love you and I want you to
learn to love yourselves and others the way I have loved you. He does not allow sin because he knows it
will only hurt us. The good thing is
that if we stop sinning and turn to him and start living our lives correctly,
he forgives us. He has said that if you
repent and sin no more, though your sins be as of scarlet you can be as white
as snow in His eyes. Thank goodness we
can repent and there is forgiveness because none of us is perfect and we all
need to repent for things we have done. The important thing is to make better
choices in the future and obey God’s laws so we can be happy.