Monday, September 6, 2010

Country Cousins

I have a lot of fond memories of my childhood and country life in Idaho. I recently had a story published in Country Magazine about getting a horse for Christmas. It has motivated me to write about some other memories of my time in Idaho. I'm thinking of sending this article off to Country Magazine.

Country Cousins
Every year I couldn’t wait until summer so we could go back to country life in Idaho and I could visit my favorite cousin Anita. My father was a dry farmer. He would go to Utah to teach school in the winter and return every summer to farm. My siblings and I would always count the towns as we got closer to the home place, Rigby, Rexburg, Sugar City, and finally , Saint Anthony! When we hit Saint Anthony we knew it was just a few more miles to Chester.

Chester was a very small town. It only consisted of two gas stations and a general store, post office, and meeting place. My Uncle Delbert was the proprietor. When we first got to Chester, we always loved to stop at Uncle Delbert’s store and say hello then go over to the penny candy case that displayed all the candy in a slanted window. There were root beer kegs, salt water taffy, bubble gum, Smarties, and fresh black and red licorice. The fragrance of the fresh candy case has always stayed with me through the years. My Uncle Delbert would always tell us to have a nickels worth of candy as a greeting.

The first thing I did when we got to the cabin was ask if I could go to Uncle Dees and see my cousin Anita. I spent at least half of my summer at their place and I got a real taste of country life. My Aunt Donna was one of the best cooks in Chester and always cooked a delicious country meal at the end of a hard day. Mashed Idaho spuds were a staple along with a tender beef steak, salad, and ice cream and homemade cake or a root beer float for dessert.
Everyday we’d get up bright and early and do the chores. I learned how to milk a cow by squeezing just right to get a steady stream. I also learned I needed to cut my fingernails! My cousin Rick would stop milking into the bucket sometimes and squirt some milk into some of the barn cat’s mouths. The cats seemed to enjoy it even though they got milk squirted all over their faces. Then we would take some milk to feed the calf that had lost it’s mother. Next we’d take some milk and pour it into the bottles for the bum lambs. Ten or twelve lambs would run to the fence and empty those bottles in no time.

After chores were done, we were able to have a lot of free time to play, and play we did. My Uncle's ranch was a paradise of adventure. Anita and I were horse crazy. We ate, drank and slept horses, so much of our time was spent on them. Every night we would curry comb them and then kiss their soft muzzles good night. Anita’s horse was a fast Albino quarter horse named Pinky and mine was a big Morgan palomino named Buck. We changed their names because we thought they needed more beautiful names. She named her horse Silver Star and my horse was Golden Flame. We always rode bareback because my dad couldn’t afford a saddle back then, but we became better riders that way. Anita was a real cowgirl and her horse was so well trained she could ride her without a saddle or a bridle. She would just lean and use her legs and turn Pinky with her mane. One day I decided I wanted to try riding Buck like that. He was up against a wooden fence and I kept trying to turn him with his mane, kicking him, and yelling “Yah!”, “Yah!” Buck really didn’t know what I wanted him to do but he was kind of a jumper so suddenly he lunged forward and tried to jump the wooden fence. I was so shocked I slid off him to the side as he jumped, but then we had a big problem. He’d knocked the top board of the fence off with his hooves and he was straddling the fence with two boards between his front and rear legs.

We didn’t know what we were going to do but he was kind of a spooky horse and we didn’t want him to do anything crazy and get hurt. We pondered our dilemma for a while and thought of trying to hammer off one of the top boards but were afraid he might spook at the noise. Buck just stood there for a while with the boards under his belly. Finally we tried to risk hammering a board off. We got the top board off without a mishap and the second board half way off and Buck was able to step over the other boards. I never tried that stunt again.

One day I accidently did a little trick riding Annie Oakley style. We were in a field and decided to have a race between Pinky and a horse named Flash. My cousin Rick was on Flash and I was on Pinky and really wasn’t used to riding her or her style of racing. Before I was ready and had a hold of her mane, Anita yelled, “Go!” from the end of the field. Pinky took off right out from under me and I started falling between the two horses pounding hooves. Pinky was slightly ahead of Flash and I was about even with Flashes neck. Purely out of instinct I guess, I lunged over and across Flashes neck at a full gallop. I was bobbing up and down like a jack hammer trying to stay on. Rick didn’t know what to do. I yelled, “ Stop him!” It was kind of hard for Rick to control Flash with me on his neck but he finally got him to stop. I got off and my legs were shaking like a leaf.

We had a lot of other horse adventures too. Pinky was such a good kid pony that we could ride her triple bareback. One day my sister, Anita, and I were loping through a newly plowed field. The ground was pretty soft and we all started sliding off Pinky’s back. We tried to right ourselves but it was no use and we landed in a heap on the ground. Luckily it was a pretty soft landing. One of my favorite things to do on the horses was gallop through the pastures and jump the irrgation ditches. When we sailed over the ditches it always felt like I was flying.

A couple of years we rode our horses in the July 24th parade in Saint Anthony. We would get dressed in our best western gear and cowboy hats. We'd brush our horses manes until they were silky and curry them until they shined like gold and silver. I still remember feeling so proud riding our beautiful horses in the parade. My childhood memories of Idaho and riding with my cousins are some of my favorite. I still miss Idaho and go back often to reflect on those good times and look up my country cousins.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

September's Grande Ball

I had been searching for this poem for a while and was so glad when I found it in one of my notebooks. I wrote it in September of 'O8 to celebrate my rose garden.

September's Grande Ball

The last farewell of summer days
Holds them in golden glow

Roses in the garden don their finest gowns
Like kings and queens at court

Princess Tiffany graces the courtyard in a delicate pastel yellow skirt
Light pink ruffles curl around her innocent face

The Royal Prince attends in a pearl white tux
Elegantly appointed

The Contessa stands shyly in the corner in a deep blush pink
She takes our breath away with her beauty

The Ice Princess flounces her crystal white skirts
Flirting with Winter

Princess Ann is an apricot beauty
Dancing gently in the breeze

Count Carl dons a regal gold jacket
Standing out from the crowd

Her Magesty the Queen finally arrives in robes of deep indigo velvet
Rich jewels of diamond dew adorn her petals

All the court bows and curtsies
in the gentle breeze as the grande ball begins

The Lords and Ladies of the castle admire the show
And cannot help but be spellbound

Lost Art

I would have liked to have sat home and spun poems all day like my mother
Tuning in to the Forget me not blues and buzzing sounds in the garden

Instead my time is full of schedules
Reading, math, science, current events
To prove Adequate Yearly Progress
That teachers are really teaching
Students are really learning

Occasionally though I sneak in a Yoga meditation class
or recite poetry just for the fun of it
It takes all the joy out of it it if I don't stop and listen to poems and
see how phrases hook together in perfect Iambic Pentameter

"I meant to do my work today but a brown bird sang in the apple tree
And all the leaves were calling me"

I rebel every once in a while and have the students write cursive
My favorite poetic verse

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Europe had always called her. She never really understand why being born in the U.S. but she knew she had to get there some how. So here she was flying on a jumbo jet on her way.There were a few empty seats but alot of people on the flight with the same destination.

" Where are you going?" A young woman sitting next to her asked. She had that deep russet red hair the Irish are known for and sure enough that was where she was from. She was heading home.

" I'm doing a tour of Europe" Annie answered.

Rhiannon was a little younger , but Annie felt an immediate repoire. The Irish had always attracted her. There was a fiesty, yet loving and love of life way about everyone she'd ever met from Ireland. Annie was newly single and ready for some adventure and to spread her wings in new directions. She wasn't sure where she was going but something was calling her to find out.

As she talked with Riannon they laughed and enjoyed getting to know eachother. Annie was ready to go home with Rhiannon she felt such a kinship. When the plane landed and they went their separate ways Annie felt a tug at her heart knowing she would probably never see her again.

She looked through the airport for the tour group she was supposed to connect with but

didn't see them. She began to feel a little nervous in the Airport in Glascow not really knowing a soul.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Crystal Castle Pics

Walking With the River

Walking with the river
In the quiet of dusk
Walking with the current
Going with the flow
A gentle breeze surrounds me
Downy ducklings drift along
Walking with the river
I hear the rivers song
Calming and soothing
It brings comfort to my soul
Walking with the river
Letting everything else just go
The river's my companion
quiet and still
Walking with the river
Is the way I love to feel

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Ode to Alcohol

This is an ode to Alcohol,

That cunning and baffling drug

It will take your life and twist it around

Then leave you like yesterday’s rug

At first you feel happy and silly

Do things that can be kind of rude.

Embarrass yourself , Make a fool of yourself ,

Get loud and a little crude,

It begins to numb the senses

So the demons will go away

But when you come back to yourself again

There’s double the demons to pay

Thousands of brain cells are destroyed

Each time you take that drink

After a while the grogginess

Makes it difficult to think

Self will begins to run riot

No one is right but you,

All the bad deeds are another’s fault

Responsible is not something you do

Pretty soon you need some more

Just to mellow out

More and more and more it takes

To the place you can just drop out

You lose the friends you met in the bar

To drugs or divorce or death

You lose your true friends and family

You lose your life , your own breath

By now you’re pretty much out of control

You lie, you cheat you steal,

Morals become a thing of the past

There’s only one thing……… Your will

It’s a legacy to pass on to the kids

That deadly and dark disease

Denial the elephant in the room

Starts to be used with ease

The pattern is set to pass it on

Because people refuse to get help

They’d rather be sick than take the steps

Toward wellness, happiness, health

You’re finally a true monster

Insanity has taken your life,

You’ve lost your job, your husband, your wife

The only thing left is ?

-A High Price to Pay-


Turn your will over to a higher power that can restore you to sanity

One step at a time

Let go and let God

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Crystal Castle

It's never too late to manifest a dream. The Crystal Castle became a reality for Rob and I when we were in our mid fifties. We have always liked crystals. When our relationship was just beginning, we went to a place called Central City which was an old mining town in Colorado. We went into a mineral and stone shop and were attracted to a large quartz crystal and a crystal cluster with two quartz crystals and a third smaller crystal. We think it was the union of our souls and another one joining us, our son Jameson. When we were married my mother gave us a beautiful smoothe quartz crystal that I call our Yin Yang crystal. It has two perfectly smooth formed sides that join in the center. It has always given balance and unity to our relationship.
Later, we were hoping for a larger boat so we could be on the water more. When we got our boat, we christenend it The Crystal Starship after a song by the Doors that we really like. Our house reminds us of a Crystal Castle and that is how it got it's name. I am including pictures and a description of our dream house.

The Crystal Castle
The Crystal Castle glows on a hill when we turn down Pastoral Way
It's white crystal stone lights up the street with an auric glow
It's grand entrance invites us to step into higher realms
Our Three Guardian Angel Cats protect the entrance as the Ancient Egytians
A black welcome sign with our three horses, welcomes guests
The strength of our horses brings power and protection to the grounds
The glass doors bring in prismed rainbows that freckle the stairs with light
Inside the entrance an angel fountain is surrounded by lush green plants.
A painting in the entrance called "Three faiths" brings in the energy of
Christian, Buddha, and the Native Americans.
A New Orleans style staircase winds around the green. As we walk up the stairs,
a Halo of light accents the corner where three dancing girls encircle it.
The girls were sculpted by Armani,an Italian sculptor
Angels and fairies add a heavenly light to each room. Swans and crystal balls accent the rooms with a mystical elegance.
A fairy ball Rob gave me catches rainbows and spreads them around the room
As we walk into each room, paintings of our favorite places around the world invite us in.
In the living room we can float down the canals of Venice
The dining room,we can hop on our bikes after a pastry and Cafe Au Lait on a back street in Paris
In the family room we are in the country riding our horse home on an open range or bringing a fresh cut Christmas tree home in the sleigh on a snowy evening.
The den we walk into the center of Paris, The Eiffel Tower sparkling against the city of lights. On another wall is one of the many beautiful parks in Paris graced by swans.
The kitchen has a nook with a red climbing rose that frames the window.
Walking up the stairs we are suddenly in the Cliffs along a lake in Italy
The guest room welcomes friends to one our our favorite places.
A lavendar sunset on the beach in Laguna with gulls crying, sings them to sleep.
My studio upstairs is for painting, writing, music, thinking and fairy magic with a fairy garden and lots of fairies with cute names like Aspenglow, Windsong,Lilac,Tricksie, Rose, Sprite, Whimsy, Lily and Sweet Pea.
The fire places bring Robs fire energy to warm the rooms and the fountains bring my cooling water energy.
A picture of an artist painting in Giverny frames the end of the hall.
The master suite opens on to a courtyard with a rose garden. Roses are one of my favorite flowers. In the courtyard I have a yellow climber that cheers me. One of my favorites is a climber called Handel. It is pink with a white edge and blooms profusely. I also have a yellow and gold fairy my sister Angela gave me, "Sunny" in the courtyard and a gnome carrying two buckets of water I call "Randolph".
The master suite reminds me of a Villa in Italy. The bed has flowers winding around a silver frame at the top. A fireplace warms the room and I can watch the fire as I soak in my favorite place, The bath. A moon kissing a sun is on the wall which we bought in Sienna, Italy. I like to meditate and create in the bath. Often I sprinkle rose petals into the tub. My favorite places in the master are the fireplace and of course the bath.
We have an acre of ground and half of it is in pasture for the horses. The white fences and green grass reminds me of the green meadows of Kentucky. We have gnomes helping the garden grow. Tommy O'toole is the rose specialist. Freddy and Fritz have fun playing in the garden on the teeter-totter. Randolph brings in the water. Luther is the doctor of the garden and gives me advice on this and that. I also have a cute toad that adds a little magic to the garden. As you can see, the dream house is full of magic and whimsy.

My tomatoes and cukes went nuts last summer.
Thanks Gnomes!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Snow in the Night

Snow in the Night

The sun breaks through jagged peaks as the day awakens
Rays steal over the quiet unspoiled blanket of new fallen snow
The light sprinkles the lawn with a coat of glittering diamonds
Snow crystals become a million minute suns in a great white universe

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

More Ocean Shots

East Coast or West Coast
Which is the Best Coast?
As long as it's the ocean you'll never lose

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Meet Me In Laguna

Meet Me In Laguna

Meet me in Laguna
If I go before you
Down by the steep cliffs at the water's edge
Walk along the sand and look for two seagulls
Flying toward the light house
I'll be there

Meet me in Laguna
On our Special Days
On January twentieth
When our eyes first met across the room
Through transparent curls of crashing waves
I'll be there

Meet me in Laguna
On Valentines
Like when we sipped an aqua melon slush
While the sun dipped low
Painting the world a scarlet glow
I'll be there

Meet me in Laguna
On the day I was born
March four
The wind will whisper a song of love
To your soul from mine
Remember me and how I loved the ocean
Let the waves talk and laugh with you
As we used to do
I'll be there

Meet me in Laguna
On October eleven
The day we joined our hearts and hands
Look across the golden waves and I will come to you
Through a gulls cry or a dolphins face
I'll be there

Meet me in Laguna
On August nineteen
The day you were born
When the sun is reaching it's highest peak
The heat will warm your heart and set it afire
I'll be there

Meet me in Laguna
On the day I left this world
I'll come back to you
With the damp smell of sea
The water lapping at your feet
I'll kiss your toes with a gentle wave
I'll be there

For Rob

My Ideal Church

The name of my worship service would be The Serenity Spiritual Place
My ideal church wouldn't really be a church. It would be more like a way to worship and celebrate God's creation. Since I think of myself as a Zen, Shaman, Mormon, Mayan, Christian, Wiccan, Mystic because I have learned things from all these spiritual practices, I would combine all of these things in my ideal way to worship. It would be conducted by women or men but I would have enlightened women speak often because they make very good ministers.
Wiccan really means Wise Woman or Wise one. Some people are threatened by wise women
but enlightened ones are not threatened.

The place would change. Depending on the season. Preferably it would be out in the beauties of nature. Anywhere where you could enjoy the majesty of this beautiful world. It would be a place where we could appreciate and be close to nature like the Native Americans.
It might be in a High Mountain Valley filled with butterflies, wild flowers, Dragon flies, and humming birds,or by a a peaceful lake framed by pines. Or by the Ocean in Oregon with Driftwood, and cliffs and the sea sounds.
It would start with everyone singing a hymn we all know like "Let there be peace on Earth"
or "Shower the People You Love with Love" or "You Feel up My Senses" I have several songs I like that could fit here
There would be a thought presented sharing some ideas from any of the great spiritual masters.
Christ's teachings and love would be taught as a way to live happily and peacefully in life
Then we would have a Zen meditation listening to natural sounds or beautiful music be it Native
American or Asian flutes, harp music, drums, Celtic music, or piano classics
Every one would stand and we would do some Tai Chi movement tuning in and sensing the Chi in God's beauty surrounding us.
Someone would share a musical number either singing, or playing and instrument and sharing one of the gifts God had given them with others
Sharing- We would give whoever wanted to share a chance to give an uplifting or growing time they had experienced. Kind of like Mormons do or AA does .
We would meet once a month I think once a month on the first Sunday of each
month would be good at 11:00
We would close with a familiar spiritual song
Then a prayer to our higher power, who or whatever that may be for each one present

That is what I imagine sometimes as my ideal way to worship.
- Amen- or - Namaste- as they say in Yoga which means I honor the good in you and you honor the good in me