Friday, September 7, 2012


Birds are happier in September
Trilling jubilantly the grand finale of summer
The entrance of fall

Skies are a deeper saphire blue in September
Contrasting against the emerald and indigo leaves
The aquamarine of the Spruces

Blooms are fuller in September
 Pink petunias and lime green sweet potatoes cascading over flower boxes
Cheerful sunflowers shine like the sun’s bright rays

 Animals are friskier in September
With cooler days and crisper nights
They frolic and hide under the tents of the Virginia Creeper

Foods are tastier in September
Home grown tomatoes with salt and pepper the juices dripping down chins
The blush of fresh peaches in pies with soft whirls of cream on top like a white crown 

Even stars stand out more brilliantly in the night sky in September
Cassiopeia and Libras scales
Perfectly balancing the change of the seasons

 No wonder September is my favorite time of year